The “SL Fuyu-no-Shitsugen Train” is a winter-only tourist train that runs between Kushiro and Shibecha on the Senmo Main Line. It is the only steam locomotive currently operating in Hokkaido, and is made up of passenger cars, including the “Tancho Car,” in which the seats face the windows so that passengers can experience the natural beauty of the Kushiro Wetlands up close, and the “Stove Car,” which has a Daruma stove installed inside. The locomotive, C11 171, was once preserved in a park in Shibecha, but was restored to working order in 1998. It has been used to pull various event trains in Hokkaido, and is currently used exclusively as the locomotive for this train. It is also characterized by the fact that it drives in reverse on the return trip.
– Compatible with interior lighting kit Kato 11-211 (11-212) and Kato 11-213 (11-214)
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